UV LED Curing Systems

Advantages of UV LED Curing Systems

This whitepaper provides an overview of the advantages of UV LED systems versus traditional technologies for the curing of inks, coatings, and adhesives.

Download the whitepaper now for more information on:

  1. UV LED Reliability
  2. Form Factor
  3. Multi-wavelength capabilities
  4. Control
  5. Light Stability
  6. Downtime
  7. Substrate Considerations
  8. Environmental Concerns
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UV LED Curing Systems

Specifying UV LED Curing Systems

As UV LED-based curing lamps continue to replace mercury lamps, the switch to a very different technology has required a new approach to specification with a different set of selection criteria. Understanding the technical and commercial considerations can help you to specify the optimum UV LED Curing system for your application. This whitepaper outlines key considerations to optimize curing, form factor and control requirements, system validation, reliability and cost of ownership.

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UV LED Curing Systems

The Impact of Irradiance and Energy Density in UV LED Curing Applications

This whitepaper discusses Irradiance and Energy Density (Dose), two key UV lamp characteristics to ensure you achieve the optimal cure in your application. It defines the key concepts, discusses how differences between UV curing lamps can affect the overall cure through the variation in these factors, as well as the measurement of irradiance and energy density.

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Machine Vision Lighting

Illumination in Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging

In recent years, multispectral and hyperspectral imaging has advanced rapidly into new applications and the technology required is now becoming more affordable in both the laboratory and the production environment. This whitepaper discusses key illumination considerations for spectral imaging.

The Illumination Considerations in Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging Whitepaper discusses:

  1. Multispectral vs hyperspectral imaging: The differences
  2. Image acquisition methods
  3. The advantages of LED light sources
  4. LED light considerations
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Machine Vision Lighting

Multispectral and Hyperspectral Lighting for the Food & Beverage Industry

With ever increasing quality, traceability and safety requirements in the food and beverage industry, more and more businesses are looking toward vision systems to help improve their efficiencies and overall performance. The rapid improvements in multispectral and hyperspectral imaging technologies, coupled with reduced component costs, has enabled a wider range of applications to benefit from LED technology. In applications such as food and beverage inspection, sorting, grading and analysis; optimized multispectral and hyperspectral lighting is enabling greater efficiencies and accuracy, higher inspection rates, increased throughput and improved quality over traditional technologies.

For more information on multispectral and hyperspectral lighting or the food and beverage industry download our new whitepaper.

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Machine Vision Lighting

Optimizing Machine Vision Lighting for Your Application

Lighting is fundamental to a successful machine vision application. Proper LED selection will ensure best contrast and efficiency, while optics, mechanics, and electronics support a system that meets the needs of a given application. In addition, firmware and GUI options further support an optimal lighting setup. This whitepaper will discuss each of these considerations and provide application examples.

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Machine Vision Lighting

Optimizing Throughput with Machine Vision Lighting

Within machine vision systems, inappropriate or poor quality lighting can often result in longer processing times and reduced throughput. This paper examines how to select the optimum illuminator.

Optimizing Throughput with Machine Vision Lighting outlines:

  1. How to maximize contrast for optimum quality
  2. How to maximize the ROI from your vision lighting
  3. How to select lighting for maximum line speed

Machine Vision Lighting

Optimizing Illumination in Line Scan Vision Systems

High-quality illumination is the key to a successful vision system. Optimizing your illumination is critical to maximizing inspection quality, speed, and reliability. This is particularly challenging in high speed, high-resolution line scan applications. This paper examines lighting technologies including fluorescent, fiber-delivered halogen, and LED Lighting. It also discusses the most common techniques for line scan illumination. The paper illustrates, through multiple application examples, how to achieve the optimum performance from a line scan vision system.

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Laser Modules

Optimizing System Performance: A Guide to Specifying Laser Modules

Laser modules play a critical role in many processes, and selecting the right laser module is essential to optimize system performance. Applications will vary widely in their requirements and the key parameters for each application will also differ. In this new whitepaper, ProPhotonix’s experts examine the key parameters and trade-offs involved in specifying laser modules for optimal system performance.

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Custom Laser Modules

How Customized Laser Diode Modules add value across your applications

There are many specification parameters to consider when specifying a laser module and compromises may be required with an off-the-shelf solution. With a custom laser solution, no compromise is required, and specifiers can benefit from better performance, lower complexity, and often a more cost-effective solution.

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Laser Modules

Successful Laser Module Specification

The task of specifying the ideal laser module for your application can seem challenging. This whitepaper details the key considerations in specifying your laser module, outlining a 7-element approach to success.

The 7-element approach to laser specification includes:

  1. Wavelength Selection
  2. Output Power Considerations
  3. Optical Design
  4. Thermal Management
  5. Mechanical Aspects
  6. Drive Electronics
  7. Partner selection
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Laser Diodes

Selecting the Optimum Laser Diode for your Application

Ensuring that the correct laser diode is chosen for your specific application is critical. In this whitepaper, we will discuss the issues you will face when specifying a laser diode.

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